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Where do you start with these things?

I’m a newly-minted 30 year old woman, finding myself starting over in more ways than one.  I’m a fiend for red wine and soy lattes.  My cat is my best friend.  And I have been told by more than one person that I definitely need adult supervision after 9p.

I have always had a passion for writing, whether it’s a letter to the editor, my take on a hot-button issue, or just a short story that goes nowhere.  And as I have started re-finding myself, I have decided that the easiest way to sort through it all is by taking a few minutes to write out those thoughts, those ideas, those challenges.

I only have one goal through this:  I just want to challenge myself (and you, too) head-on with how I view the world that we’re all living in.  Because at the end of the day, we’re all unaccompanied women (and men), just getting by.